

Bolivian cuisine is held in much the same regard by South Americans, as English food is by the Europeans. Essentially they view the food as uninspired and bland. While there tends to be a modicum of truth as a basis for all culinary clichés, this is a largely unfair opinion. Yes, like the British, the Bolivians have a great many stews and soups as the backbone of their food culture. Likewise they are prone to a meat-and-two-veg diet and are in love with the potato in all its forms. But like the British, they are exceptionally forward thinking when it comes to modern fusion cuisine and they are excellent bakers.

My first taste of true Bolivian baking was in Copacabana. After spending 24 hours hopping on and off buses and trekking across the beautiful Isla del Sol, I was ready for a carbohydrate-packed hit to bolster my flagging energy levels. Whilst browsing the local eateries I stumbled across these delightfully light, chewy, moreish cheese buns, known as Cunapes. The Cunape is not native to Copacabana, but instead traditionally hails from the South Eastern city of Santa Cruz.

But wherever these come from, these baked delights are an ideal snack for mid morning. They are also ludicrously easy to make. I have substituted Queso Fresco for Gouda here, as it has the necessary mild flavour and brilliant melting properties. One ingredient that cannot be substituted however, is the tapioca flour, which provides the requisite chewy texture. You can buy this online or in many ethnic grocers – where it may be called cassava flour, mandioca starch or yucca, depending on its country of origin.

Level: low
Skills: baking

Time: 30-40 minutes
Makes: 10 small buns

110g tapioca flour
220g grated Gouda
1tsp baking powder
1 egg
1-3tbsp milk


1. Preheat the oven to 230C.

2. Mix the tapioca flour and the baking powder in a mixing bowl.

3. Add the cheese and mix well until cheese is covered in the flour.

4. Add the egg to the mix and stir to combine.

5. The dough should come together in a ball, leaving the sides of the bowl clean. Add the milk 1tbsp at a time until the correct consistency is achieved.

6. Divide the dough into 10 pieces of the same size and shape them into balls.

7. Put a thumbprint in the bottom of each ball (this helps with even puffing in the oven and stops them sticking).

8. Place thumbprint side down on a lightly greased baking tray. You can use baking parchment to reduce clean up.

9. Bake for 12-15mins until lightly golden and well puffed up.

10. Serve warm.

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