Gevulde Koeken (Dutch Almond Paste Cookies)

Gevulde Koeken are to the Dutch, what chocolate chip cookies are to the Americans, or shortbread to the Scots. These oversized and decadent biscuits can be found all over the Netherlands. The pastry like shell, surrounds a soft, buttery filling of Amandelspijs (almond paste) that is reminiscent of frangipane. They are best enjoyed fresh with a cup of coffee or tea.


The ubiquitous Gevulde Koek


For the almond paste:

125g ground almonds
125g caster sugar
1 egg
1-2tbsp milk
1/2tsp almond extract

For the cookie dough:

300g plain flour
200g cold butter, cut into cubes
150g caster sugar
1tsp baking powder
1tbsp water
1 egg
12 almond halves to decorate

Method – Makes 12

1. Sift the flour into a bowl and add the cubes of butter. Rub in with your finger tips until the mix resembles fine breadcrumbs.

2. Stir through the sugar and baking powder. Add the water and bring together with your hands to form a dough. Cover in cling film and allow to rest in the fridge.

3. To make the almond paste, add the almonds, caster sugar and egg to the food processor and blitz.

4. Add the milk and almond extract then process again. The mix should have the consistency of soft smooth peanut butter.

5. Preheat the oven to 180C.

6. Roll out the biscuit dough on a floured work surface. Cut out rounds with a (preferably fluted) cookie cutter.

7. Put half of the rounds on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Then top with a generous spoonful of the almond paste (you could use a piping bag for greater control).

8. Moisten the edges of the biscuit base with water and press the other rounds on top, making neat, smooth domes. Seal gently with your fingers.

9. Press half an almond on top of each biscuit. Beat the egg and brush the biscuits with it.

10. Bake for 25 min or until puffed and a deep golden colour.